Sunday, November 24, 2019

Americas First Bioterrorism Attack essays

Americas First Bioterrorism Attack essays This is madness! Whats happened to the world? Is everyone gone insane? In a matter of way, this is what happens when you involve yourself in others business, like U.S. does all the freaking time. I dont know if there is one single war theyve missed, Im pretty sure theyve been in almost all the wars and conflict all over the world. I cant understand why they care to involve them self in all of these wars? Maybe they dont want to be left behind? I think this big conflict between America an Osama Bin Laden is in a way kind of childish. Especially this biological warfare they are having now. I really think its silly, and not to forget cowardly! Youre not a real man if you cant meet your enemy face-to-face! While the physical spread of anthrax has thus far proven fairly limited, the dissemination of its psychic by-product, fear, has been all too successful. In the U.S., a new round of threats continues to test the countrys nerves. Im glad Im not living in America right now. That cant be very fun right now, with all these threats hanging over their heads. The specter of the microscopic spores has sent hundreds of thousands rushing to their doctors offices and pharmacies, begging for prophylactic antibiotics. Thirteen people are now confirmed to have either been exposed to anthrax or to actually have the disease. Time, 16.10-01 ...

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